Clinical Review Of Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana In The Treatment Of Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Rheumatoid arthritis (formerly called polyarthritis) is an inflammation of the inner skin of joints of jaw, fingers, toes, hands, feet, knees, elbows, hips, and shoulders. The inflammation usually begins gradually and can be so bad that the cartilage and bones are severely damaged and can deform extremely. It can lead to limitation of movement (functio laesa). Generally, this kind of arthritis has to be diagnosed to distinguish it from others. In classical medicine, this disease is treated with steroidal and non-steroidal drugs, which can cause severe side effects. The treatment proposed in this study has produced no side effects and is also inexpensive.

In this study the affected patients are treated with Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana. The study produces amazing results. Please see:

For an easier understanding, you will find most medical terms and Sanskrit words translated: Mainly from  the book "Ayurveda Manualtherapie und Ausleitungsverfahren" from Shive Narain Gupta / Elmar Stapelfeldt / Kerstin Rosenberg, but also from sources like Wikipedia, and others.

Medical specialist operations

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) = blood cell sedimentation rate

Endocrinology (eg salivary glands, endocrine glands, sebaceous glands)

Steroidal = see

Nonsteroidal = see

Sanskrit words

Agnideepana = Digestive stimulation

Agnimandya = Weak digestive power

Ama = Metabolic intermediates (uncooked, undigested), also known as slag

Amapachana = Reduction of waste products in the body

Amavata = Classical disease, which most closely resembles the Rheumatoid Arthristis

Bala = Strength, resistance

Balabhramsha = Loss of power

Charaka samhita = Most important classical text of Ayurveda, focus on internal medicine and philosophy

Doshas = Most important functional principles, body functions, humores, juices, pathological principles: vata, pitta, kapha; literally "spoiler" or mistake

Kapha = Most important active principle (dosha); as waste product on tissue level (mala): mucus

Krichhrasadhya = Difficult to cure the disease

Mridu Virechana = Gentle abduction

Mudga Yusha = Green mung beans

Pipa longum or Pippali = Long pepper

Pitta = Most important active principle (dosha); as waste product on tissue level (mala): bile

Rasayana = Science or remedy of tissue regeneration

Samprapti = Process of disease development

Samprapti-Vighatana = is a term with a series of events that ultimately lead to the formation of diseases in the body; pathogenesis

Srotas = Transport systems, transport spaces

Srotoshodhana = Clarify the microcirculation vessels

Taila = Oil

Vardhamana Pippali Rasayana = Ayurvedic medicine with a steroid-like effect

Vata = Most important active principle (dosha); as waste product at tissue level (mala): gases (vata- and kapha-dominated constitution)

Vatashamaka = Vata balancing

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